Make It Right Governor
Just a small business owner’s thoughts & opinion -
The announcement from the governor today is a bit frustrating to understand and even more so to accept. I strive to be a contributing member of society and also have faith that if I do right by others, it’ll in someway come back to me. I think these principles are usually pretty easy to maintain when working to support & grow one’s business. Indirectly, it seems the governor of this great state thought best to limit those principles of mine & many others with his order to shut down so many businesses.
I’m not for closing or limiting any legal business. However, since that is what he chose to do, I am wondering why he left so many businesses (which aren’t actually essential) open. I just feel there are a lot more businesses that should be shut down if the governor is serious about encouraging “social distancing” while out in public. If we are truly concerned about limiting the spread of this disease, unfortunately, inconvenience would be a part of our daily lives for a period of time.
With all that being mentioned, that was not the direction that was pursued in the decision that was made. The decision was to close most large gathering places and limit some others. I would argue that it seems the majority of the public is doing alright in making their own risk assessment as to where they still feel safe to frequent. Many businesses or industries (not ordered to close) have already seen income decline enough to temporarily close or limit operations on their own. Furthermore, if this decision is based on large gatherings, the governor doesn’t seem too familiar with the Chelan (or many other parts of North Central Washington) area. In late winter & early spring, some businesses don’t see 50 persons in a day, let alone at one time.
I realize this is a disease you can carry before showing symptoms; I’m not claiming any immunity to it. Fortunately, I know this disease is recoverable from for the majority of the population. We all know by now the persons of the general public that are most at risk. I’d like to believe that if you fall into any of these categories you are most certainly taking precautions of your own. The sacrifices of our healthcare professionals during this time are certainly unprecedented. Thank you for interrupting (and even risking) your lives to help ours.
We can hear or see updated facts daily about those who have died and those that are infected. However, one has to do some brief searching to find numbers about those that have recovered. Why would recovery from this virus not be something that is more shared about? I know our economy would certainly appreciate that news. In this challenging time I, like many others, will just have to strive to be somewhat creative in finding new forms of business to satisfy debts.
Speaking of creative, that is the word the current state’s leadership offered as to how they were going to compensate business owners for ordering these closures (with little warning beforehand). I just hope the state’s leaders remember cities & businesses of all sizes, not just larger ones when it comes to available aid. I just can’t help but think business owners would be more patient and less anxious if they confidently knew that their business would have the opportunity to be reimbursed, therefore having a fair chance at survival.
Being that the “essential businesses” list is so broad, I wish the decision to remain open or close down was ultimately left up to the owners of these select businesses rather than mandated. In that aspect, I want to believe more owners would have taken the opportunity in some way to make ends meet (even while still complying to 50 or less persons in one establishment), rather than most certainly having to need assistance now. I hate to be in favor of devaluing the dollar even further in this country, but when the state’s leaders close or severely limit one’s ability to earn income within their own business, it’s difficult to see another option when seeking compensation.
I’m aware, but I’m not afraid of this virus. Be cautious, careful, & considerate, but don’t be scared or panicked. In regards to my business…. from the time my vehicle was 6 months old, I’ve continued to wipe down & clean the interior. This has always been a frequent practice to me, not just a coronavirus practice. Cleanliness is just a small part of what proper service should include. I know all this uncertainty shall pass. I just hope sooner than later and with favorable outcomes/opportunities for businesses to recoup some of what they’ve lost.
This writing/rambling is obviously just my opinion. Though some of you may perceive it as political, it was more intended to present the side of someone who’s building something they don’t want to die and suddenly has little to no control over that. If you are offended or have another opinion, that’s ok & that’s your right. I don’t need to, nor is it right to take that from you. I truly hope that no business has to close doors forever due to no fault of their own. I’m certainly not speaking for other business owners in the area, but you can bet that a majority probably feel a similar frustration.
- Jeremy
If you are a small business owner, here are some links perhaps worth checking out: